Peter Westerberg

Ibanez Tube Screamer TS-9, signerad med dedikation från Joe Bonamassa


Pris: 6000:-

DiMarzio PAF 36th Aged Nickel

Pris: 1500:- SÅLD



Blackstar Pure Valve Distorsion

Pris: 1000:-

Fender ABY Pedal

Pris: 500:-

Fender Custom Shop Custom '54

Bridge: 6.33k
Mid: 5.95k
Neck: 5.92k

Fender Custom Shop Custom ’54 Strat pickups authentically recreate the clear tones and heightened sustain that made the Stratocaster the most revered guitar in rock history. These single-coil pickups are crafted to faithfully replicate the cutting tones reminiscent of 1954 Stratocaster guitars.

Magnet Type Alnico 5 /  Magnet Wire Formvar-coated , Neck/Middle Pickups: 5.9K. Bridge: 6.5K
Inductance  Neck/Middle: 2.4 Henries, Bridge: 2.75 Henries.
Bobbin Material Fiber. Lead Wire Cloth-covered
Pole Pieces Staggered hand-beveled Tone Vintage
Output Vintage
Other Features Recommended for Blues, Rock, Classic Rock, Country, and Pop. Länk till Fender Custom ’54  Strat set

Pris: 2500:-

Fender ´57 / '62 Strata Set

Har aldrig varit monterade I nån gitarr. Anses vara de mest generiska Stratamickarna, det som alla andra Strataseten som Fender gör måste förhålla sig till och sitter i många av de gitarrer som Fender återskapar från de här åren.
Så här skriver Fender själva.
Fender Pure Vintage ’57/’62 Strat® single-coil pickups are reverse-engineered from a 1963 Stratocaster guitar. These pickups deliver vintage-Strat sound, feel and vibe, with glistening highs and warm lows. From vintage bobbin construction to genuine original-era cloth wiring, all Fender Pure Vintage pickups are wound to precise specifications for authentic, traditional Fender tone and performance.

Så här skriver en kille, pseudonymen Antigua, som har mätt upp väldigt många gitarrmickar vetenskapligt.

I’m very satisfied with this set. As you can see, I had to open up my Paisley Strat to analyze them.
My experience and the measured results say these sit right between CS 69’s and Fat 50’s. Perfectly Stratty, Nile Rogers tones are to be had with this set.
This is a homogeneous set of three pickups, no reverse wired/reverse polarity middle, true to vintage spec.

Fender 57/62 Bridge
DC Resistance: 5.94K
Inductance: 2.223 H
Resonant Peak: 9.70 kHz
Calculated C: 101pF (121-20)
Coil width: 0.526″
Fender 57/62 Middle
DC Resistance: 5.96K
Inductance: 2.230 H
Resonant Peak: 10.4 kHz
Calculated C: 85pF (105-20)
Coil width: 0.571″
Fender 57/62 Neck
DC Resistance: 5.96K
Inductance: 2.226 H
Resonant peak: 9.92 kHz
Calculated C: 96pF (116-20)
Coil width: 0.542″

The pole pieces are semi uniformly beveled AlNiCo 5, with gauss readings around 1100.


Pris: 2500:-